What is the safest lock for a front door?

High security locks are a must-have for anyone who wants to amplify their home security. You need an effective means to prevent unwanted intruders and as well as having a door that makes it very difficult for burglars to threaten the security of those you love and your possessions you need to choose the safest lock for a front door. Safest front door locks come in all shapes and designs which makes the process a little bit challenging. But once you know what you are looking for you can make an informed decision about what you need. Costs can vary...
Are front door fire doors more expensive?

A front door fire door is a fire-resistant entrance that has been installed to prevent fire from spreading into other areas of a building such as escape routes and communal rooms. Front door fire doors are not the same as normal doors as they are specially designed to act as a physical barrier against a blaze. Even if a front door is heavy-duty, it doesn’t necessarily follow that it can protect from a conflagration. For doors to be fire doors they have to be ultra-strong but not only that they need to be made from fire resistant materials designed to...
How to improve your front door noise insulation

Front doors are usually the biggest opening into a property and therefore it’s a given that they can potentially let in more noise. We may think of soundproofing a house by double glazing windows and insulating wall cavities without giving the main entrance a thought and yet this can be one of the most common ways to let sound into a house. Even if you are in a relatively quiet location, giving serious thought to the front door will ensure that any ambient outdoor noise is considerably reduced. Scientific studies show that noise is harmful and even if you...
What is an oversized single front door?

As you might expect, an oversized single front door is one that takes up more space than a regular design. In some cases, they can be much bigger. Forget the discreet entrance this is all about making an impact. The oversized single front door has many of the benefits of the more traditional double front door and is definitely just as bold and luxurious. The oversized single front door makes a fantastic architectural statement for your home and just like double doors it can be a stunning stand out feature whether you live in a modest semi or a baronial...
Which direction should a front door open?

The front door is the main entrance to a house. It is usually the largest external entrance, and it is one of the main features that enables a property to be singled out from the others which surround it. The front door could be where the postie finds the number of your house, or where a striking design or colour becomes the identifying factor for visitors. Front doors are important for security and also for aesthetic reasons. A beautiful front door is the easiest way to boost kerb appeal and make a great first impression. Should a front door...